Save time, fuel and automate your dispatch decisions with our new Enterprise feature.
The Problem
Time is money for transport firms. Trucks and staff are expensive, so inefficient deployment costs real money and stops you taking on more paying work. This means less revenue and more costs.
The Solution
The vWork online optimisation tool matches delivery schedules against capacity and constraints to build the most efficient schedules. This means you can do more work in less time, or with fewer trucks.
Key Benefits
The vWork optimisation tool takes into account driver’s hours, skills, locations and available capacity to create a set of routes that accomplishes the most amount of work in the least possible time. Applicaton is simple, simply draw a fence around jobs on the map and select your resources - the tool does the rest.
Operators can also use it to work out how to use less trucks or workers to fulfil a given set of work in a defined timeframe. Usage so far has indicated typical efficiency gains of around 20%.
Use of the vWork optimisation tool will reduce fuel usage, increase efficiency, and reduce the amount of time dispatchers spend planning routes and runs and assigning jobs to vehicles.